I was born on February 14th, 1978 in Karlsruhe, Germany, as the only son of a germanmother and an italian father. Unfortunately I never learned the italian language, which Iregret very much by now. From my early childhood on, I discovered the love for music(see also "My Music"), for acting and other artistic / creative areas. It was and is simplybeautiful to entertain people. Again and again I played theater at school or any otheroccasions when the opportunity arose. More on that later.When my school career drew to a close, I was thinking about a professional training at theBaden Drama School. But in time I realized, that such an education could be useful only inthe first few semesters, because you have to work towards the end of such a trainingexclusively for the theater and even have to pay for that. Basic techniques, such asbreathing, speaking, etc. seemed to be useful, but I decided to follow my autodidakticability and learned the essence by myself. The rest brings practical experience with it. Andso it was that I chose to learn the profession of an energy electrician between 1997 and2001. I never really liked this, but at least it used to be something.I went through many different activities. From mover, electrician, tester, assembler,forklift driver/ logistician up to factory worker in several industrial productions.When I first turned to my creative side, I haven’t been thinking about using an artist name or a pseudonym. Sometime in 1996, I had the ridiculous idea to call myself M. G.Goodmann, because some people had problems with the spelling and pronunciation of myItalian last name. M.G. were my initials (Marco Giuseppe) and Goodman resulted from mylast name (Buono = Good; man with two "n" because I am a man from Germany). I keptthis name for some time and then changed it into Joe Castello (that name had something). But after several people had advised me, that this name sounded too much like some guyfrom the Mafia, I had to reconsider. Marc JAY was the result. Marc due to Marco, merelywithout the "o" at the end. Jay because Giuseppe means Joseph in English and JAY is theinitial letter of Joseph. This went on until about 2004. Then I realized that it actually would be the best for me to stand by my real name and so I am the one and only Marco Buono.Only sometimes, when I do something special, so that not everyone should know that it isfrom me, then I go by another name. Also GOODMANN was preserved and becameGOODMANN ENTERTAINMENT as well as GOODMANN RECORDS. But enough about theconfusing name stuff.Until present day I never gave up my passion for music and acting. Whenever I have timeI indulging in music or film. I also draw / paint every once in while or write stories /screenplays. I do nearly every creative stuff, except dancing. This is something I reallycannot do.Now, what regards the acting, so I have to go back a little. As already mentioned I alwaystook every possibility that was offered to me. I often contributed in school projects andalso plaayed otherwise Theater. However, my biggest dream has always been to get intotelevision. So I also took increasingly part in auditions, what became indispensable, if youwant to progress today. However, Casting Shows suck!In 2000 my wish came true finally. I was allowed to visit a German TV Talkshow. I was aguest at "Andreas Tuerk" (unfortunately). More embarrassing than presentable was thisappearance. But obviously some editors of the Pay TV Station PREMIERE found thatembarrassment amusing and showed a small section at a show called ZAPPING.Also in 2000, I got a weekend job as a host. I could drive through Germany and hostingdifferent events in many discotheques ("Pig Race" with little battery toy pigs on a longboard; "Big Friends", a game kinda like BIG BROTHER).This used to be very funny, but did not last very long, since the payment was relativelylow for the large amount of work.In 2001 I was in the popular game show "RISIKO (RISK)" (ZDF) with Kai Böcking. Thetopic was STEVEN SPIELBERG, whom I greatly admire. During the question and answersession I made so much nonsense on purpose that another German Showmaster, StefanRaab, presented a short clip of this on his show TV Total. This brought me a mentioning ofone of my quotes in the book GENERATION DOOF by Anne Weiss and Stefan Bonner. Onpage 166 of this book one of my answers from the RISIKO question and answer session islisted as one of the "stupidest answers from shows for allegedly smart people". A dubioushonor.2002 after an open casting at Filmpool, I got a small role as an italian witness in "Richterin Barbara Salesch (Judge Barbara Salesch)" on Sat.1. For the first time I played somethingserious.In 2005, I was allowed to play again as an Italian in "K11 - Kommisssare im Einsatz(Commissioners On Duty)", which was my longest role on television by far.In 2009 I was involved in the shooting of the still in post-production feature film THECRAZY WORLD OF MOONSHINE CITY by German Filmmaker Matias Bleckman. There Icould prove my skills as an actor, assistant director and other functions during earlyproduction and preparation phase. Already in 2000 I was involved in another Bleckmancinema project as small cast performer and helper, but unfortunately this has never beencompleted. I hope that at least THE CRAZY WORLD OF MOONSHINE CITY will becompleted in the near future. I also contributed a song called UNDER YOUR SPELL to thisfilm.In the same year I also had a commitment as a dummy in a commercial for ERGO DIRECTINSURANCES, where DJ Bobo played the leading character. The spot was producedespecially for his tour at this time and no other than Oscar Winner Pepe Danquart led thefilming that day as director. It has been a special honor to me to be there, even if you donot really recognize me in the final spot. In 2010, I made a brief appearance as a candidate in LEAGUE OF BALLS, a new Saturdaynight show at Pro 7. There I was allowed to occur at a shopping center in Nuremberg aspart of a "Challenge" with some Cheerleaders. Sounds easy, but I had to wear a Mankini(Borat costume) on the stage * arghhh *.Every now and then I joined various SWR shootings (Tatort, Bloch, The Fallers) as adummy/extra.I always like it to play a role in a film. Preferably in movies, but also in TV productions.But I am also shooting movies by myself. First I “tasted blood” back in 1989, aged 11, onthe occasion of a holiday offer, which was initiated by the “Jubez” in Karlsruhe. Back thenthey shot on VHS tapes. We made a charming little short film entitled "EINE UNMÖGLICHESCHULKLASSE". Since that day I fell in love with filmmaking. I increasingly borrowed thecamera of my uncle and began to film various stuff. Until I got my very own video 8camcorder for my 16th birthday.In the course of time several short films and music videos emerged. In the 2000s my equipment has been expanded on two 3CCD camcorders (Canon XL1 andXM2). Also sufficient necessary equipment (camera crane, steady systems, etc.) as well asprops. Since 2012 I shoot in HD with a smaller camcorder (Canon Legria HF M46) and theDSLR Canon Rebel t2i.It is nice to be creative and produce something, that gives pleasure to so many people aspossible. This fills me with joy and gives my life a little more color.I am confidently looking into the future with so many plans and ideas to realize.Let’s see how far I can go...